Friday, September 2, 2011

Women Helping Women

Happy Labor Day!
3 events in 1 day might have been too much for me.  Celebrated Yoga Month with AM Yoga from 9-10 am. Went to Heart Link Networking 11 am-2:30 pm and met the most amazing women! Want to start a Heart Link Network in Brentwood.
Asked my colleagues to give Free healthy drinks + demo @ Lululemon Brentwood as I won free tickets to the Yogawoman premiere at 7 pm, Laemmle’s Monica 4-plex. 1332 2nd Street, Santa Monica 90401 (A benefit screening for "Off The Mat and Into the World"). Yoga transforms lives and changed mine in 2008 when I got certified as a yoga teacher. Have to thank my sister for dragging me to my first yoga class. I was clumsy, uncoordinated, not flexible or bendy so I didn't want to go, but she knew that it'd be good for me. I was one of the worst students in class and couldn't do most of the balance poses. Comparing myself to other women who were so good at yoga, I felt inadequate. The changes in me didn't happen in a week, a month or a year. At least, I didn't notice much difference except that I became more aware of my body and my health. Yoga helps me in many ways. I'm more balanced, flexible, eager to try new things because of it. Little did I know that many women share my bad yoga experience until I began to teach and asked them if they've tried yoga. I tried to share my story with them, but they were not ready to listen. So I share this with you. Don't be discouraged if you feel like a bad student. Commit yourself to learning a bit every day and ask for help. My sister kept pushing me to go to class after class until I started to enjoy yoga. Then I went by myself, began to practice regularly and read yoga books.  I love Yogawoman because it shows how female yoga teachers are changing people's lives. It affirms all that I believe about yoga and its benefits. Go see Yogawoman if you don't know or like yoga. It may change your mind.
Happy Labor Day Weekend!
Ingrid Cheng, Founder of Fit-Twist
Sunrider distributor


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