Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Women's Expo Recap

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Free Health Event

Over 2,500 women of all ages visited the Torrance Marriot South Bay in Torrance, CA, on Saturday, February 4, for a day of wellness information, pampering, free health screenings, fun, and much more at the 3rd annual Daily Breeze Women's Expo.

Sunrider was one of dozens of local vendors who came to share their products and services at the Women's Expo. I am a part-time Sunrider distributor and love their high-quality natural products.

A real hit with the ladies were Julie McLewee's makeovers with Kandesn® and Oi-Lin® products! 
If you missed this event, but would like a complimentary facial or makeover, contact Sandra Diaz at Sunrider at to make an appointment. Tell her Ingrid referred you. (O) 310-222-90169, (Cell) 323-246-3016

P.S.  Join Healthy Active Long Beach and ReTHINK your drink at Kids in the Kitchen, Saturday 3/10/2012 at Martin Luther King Jr. Park (10am-2pm). 

This free community event, cosponsored by the Junior League of Long Beach, will feature healthy food sampling booths, interactive nutrition education, activity stations and obstacle course, health screenings, a bicycle safety rodeo and information and resources from partners throughout Long Beach. In addition, Radio Disney will be there along with Potter the Otter from the FIRST 5 LA Best Start Project and Miss Kellee from KidTribe will get everyone hoopin' and having fun with two Hoopapalooza shows! 

Please share with your clients/participants and community partners. 
Hope to see you all there! 

Daily Exercise + Good Nutrition = Health
My dog Sparky is my walking buddy and a Fit Fun Dog. We love our new Walk In Sync™ Harness and Accu-Grip Leash.

Join the Conscious Food Summit free at 

P.S. I love Brentwood Farmers Market and Sunrider!

Join Rob Mandelberg – “The Viz Wiz,” as he introduce you to the experts!
Are you an expert, entrepreneur, or service professional?  Would you like this kind of powerful online visibility? VizWiz Radio is a great way to share your expertise and promote your services. Click Here for more information on becoming a guest on the program.

Ingrid Cheng  
Author of Dream: Creating a Better World 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Eating Disorder Awareness

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I was anorexic at age 17

 America The Beautiful Screening - March 7, 2012 

Time: 7 - 9pm

Location: Loyola Marymount University - LMU

Westchester, CA

Tri-Delta will be hosting the 45-minutes version of ATB followed by a Q&A session with Keesha Broome, Assistant Clinical Director, Monte Nido

Contact:christina @

The U.S. has approved thecreation of the National Eating Disorders Awareness Caucus, as announced today by the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA), which since 2011 has determined that it is vital to build support from the ground up in our Congress in a strong bi-partisan manner.

The announcement comes during NEDA’s 25th annualNational Eating Disorders Awareness Week, Feb. 26-March 3, part of an ongoing mission to bring public attention to the critical need to raise awareness and funding to battle eating disorders in the U.S.

Free Helpline: 1-800-931-2237

The Empire State Building is lit up in the National Eating Disorders Association's green and blue colors on February 28th, 2012 to celebrate NEDAwareness Week. What a historic moment for eating disorders awareness!

I was teased for my big fat appearance as a child and teen. I went on an extreme diet and exercise regime because I hated being called "Fat Girl". 

Ingrid Cheng
Ugly Duckling 2.0 is a play that I wrote based on my experience.

Monday, February 27, 2012

#F27 Buy Local

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Thank you so much for taking part in the Occupy Our Food Supply Social Media Day of Action!
Here is the first round of suggested updates. Feel free to customize them if you want to, otherwise just post away. 

Facebook, Google+, MySpace

Step 1 Download attached image to your desktop (if you have issues with this, skip to step 3)
Step 2 Upload attached image to social network
Step 3 Copy/paste this text:

#F27 is here. 60+ Occupy groups. 30+ organizations. 
Willie Nelson, Dr. Vandana Shiva, Anna Lappé, you, me.
Let's Occupy Our Food Supply!


"Our food system belongs in the hands of many family farmers, not under the control of a handful of corporations."—@WillieNelson #F27 


#F27 is here. 60+ Occupy groups. 30+ organizations. 
Willie Nelson, Dr. Vandana Shiva, Anna Lappé, you, me.
Let's Occupy Our Food Supply!


Step 1 Download attached image to your desktop
Step 2 Pin the attached image
Step 3 Copy/paste this text:

You will receive several emails throughout the day as part of the social media day of action. 

A great way to follow the action around the world is this mashup of twitter hashtags and

Thanks again for getting the word out on this global day of action! You are amazing.

Email from Jenn Breckenridge, Online Community Organizer #F27 Team 

Join the Conscious Food Summit free at 

P.S. I love my local Farmers Market!

Ingrid Cheng  
Author of Dream: Creating a Better World

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Listen for the Gold

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Love is a function of communication and self-expression.  It has to do with how you listen. Are you an active and attentive listener? What is it like to speak to someone who doesn't listen? Do you spend time getting into the other person's world? We don't spend time out here in reality with other people because we're focused on our internal dialogue or story. Do your relationships happen in what isn't being said?
My take-away from Landmark Forum on Wednesday 2/22: Listen for the Gold is confirmed by an email from The Art of Love -
  • Listen like they are the most important person in the world to you.
  • Listen so they feel totally seen and heard.
  • Listen for and from love.
  • Listen like it matters.
  • Listen like it will save my life.
  • Listen like a lover on a first date.
  • Listen without an agenda.

We discover each other in language. Love is something that's expressed in words and actions. Practice listening more to other people. I intend to focus on loving, accepting and understanding my parents without expecting anything in return because I want a better relationship with them. What do you intend to do with your loved ones?

Adapted from Free Special Evening at Landmark - Coaching. Thanks Karen Lee, Capture Your Dreams Coaching and Landmark Forum!
Join the Conscious Food Summit free at

Ingrid Cheng  
Author of Dream: Creating a Better World

Want to get cheap PR? Check out Radio Publicity! 
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Pure Life NutrimedicsNatural remedy that helps reduce stress and anxiety
Sol Inspired: Affordable Luxury Fashion that's like nothing you've seen before
SunriderHigh-quality healthy products made in Torrance, California and extra income opportunity
Safslim.comReduce your belly fat with Safslim. 

Friday, February 24, 2012

Peace Summit

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Yoga for Peace

Join Deepak Chopra, Erica Ford and Russell Simmons and the Youth Leaders at LIFECAMP in sharing your story on: Peace Is A Lifestyle! Click here to hear Debra Halpert share how she makes peace a part of her everyday life. We want YOUR participation! Submit a video and enter to win a lunch with Deepak at ABC Kitchen in New York City, coaching or studio time with rising hiphop artists or books and CD/DVD's from all of the above!  Click here to get started on our easy videomaking platform. Brought to you and LifeCamp - I LOVE MY LIFE. Looking forward to your story - Peace is a lifestyle!  

Peace Essay Contest: Organized by The Goi Peace Foundation and UNESCO. This annual essay contest is organized in an effort to harness the energy, imagination and initiative of the world's youth in promoting a culture of peace and sustainable development. It also aims to inspire society to learn from the young minds and to think about how each of us can make a difference in the world.Click here to learn more.Youth-Leader Magazine is creating a special edition of no less than 100 pages full of interviews, model solutions and initiatives presented during the summit as a resource for peacebuilders, families and schools.  Click here to learn more about this special edition or contact the editor directly with questions, your work or ideas for collaboration - write to:

Pass the Youth PROMISE Act: 
The Youth Promise Act will empower and fund innovative violence prevention and intervention programs in communities around the U.S. that are the most impacted by violence.  In the most violence-torn communities, this legislation will provide a lifeline for our young people. Click here to sign the petition to contact your Members of Congress and the President today! 

The Interrupters Youth PROMISE Action Viewing Parties:  The Interrupters, one of the most critically acclaimed documentaries of 2011, tells the moving story of three "violence interrupters" in Chicago who with bravado, humility and even humor try to protect their communities from the violence they once employed.  It is a powerful testimony of the work of violence prevention and the need for a more in-depth approach in our communities.  Click here to learn how you can host a house party to show the film and educate your network on what is possible in the field of violence prevention and how we can take action to make a real change.    

Join an international youth movement to abolish nuclear weapons: There are still over 20,000 nuclear weapons in the world today. The use of just one of them would cause catastrophic humanitarian consequences. Despite their legal commitments, states have failed to achieve substantive progress on nuclear disarmament. Click here to learn how you can be part of a global youth movement organized by the European Youth network BANg to create a world without nuclear weapons.

Get Children Involved!
 Ages 5-16: Children from around the world are invited to submit their artwork to The 15th Annual Peace Pals International Art Exhibition and Awards.  Click here to learn more. 

Yogathon to support cancer research. Go to my fundraising page to donate $5 or more at: 

Thank you for your continued commitment to creating a culture of peace! 

P.S. May 6 is World Laughter Day. Join Laughter Yoga for Peace. My friend Kim Selbert is a great Laughter Yoga Leader.

Ingrid Cheng
Author of Dream: Creating a Better World

Occupy Our Food

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GMO Trilogy - Unnatural Selection

February 27 is Occupy Our Food Supply's Social Media Day of Action! 

Step 1. Post to Facebook (Google+, LinkedIn, etc)

Join Occupy Our Food Supply on Monday, February 27! CREATE healthy food systems and RESIST corporate control of our food supply during this global day of action. Join 60+ Occupy groups and healthy food advocates Vandana Shiva, Willie Nelson, Anna and Frances Moore Lappé, Raj Patel and more—get involved at:

Step 2. Post to Twitter

#OccupyOurFoodSupply on #F27: CREATE healthy food systems. RESIST corporate control of our food supply. #ows

Step 3. Review the #F27 Occupy Our Food Supply Social Media Guide

Step 4. Look out for #F27 email
We'll send you suggested updates and tweets via email.

Thanks so much. Now let's occupy our food supply!

In solidarity,

P.S. Buy local from Farmers Market - it's a good way to be green and healthy. 

Check out the healthiest companies!

Thanks Karen Lee, Capture Your Dreams Coaching and Landmark Forum!

Ingrid Cheng
Author of Dream: Creating a Better World 

Want to get cheap PR? Check out Radio Publicity! 
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       20% off your entire order at Belli - Code: BMINE Expires: 2/15. Click link below, enter code at checkout!
Save time on Twitter. Sign up for a free account at

Pure Life NutrimedicsNatural remedy that helps reduce stress and anxiety
Sol Inspired: Affordable Luxury Fashion that's like nothing you've seen before
SunriderHigh-quality healthy products made in Torrance, California and extra income opportunity
Safslim.comReduce your belly fat with Safslim.