Friday, November 11, 2011

#OG11 - One Day on Earth

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Today is the last day of #OG11 at the stylish, eco-friendly Los Angeles Center Studios.
Attendees will be greeted by a unique twist of nature and an exciting opportunity to walk through a tornado with downtown L.A. as its backdrop! Designed by Gensler to interpret this year’s conference theme of “Accelerate” and continue the experiential nature of #OG11, this tornado has been constructed from one ton of reclaimed wood provided by American Reclaimed and built by Carey Brothers Construction.
There will be panels and speakers, including the founder and chief designer of Fuseproject Yves Béhar,  showcasing the sought-after opportunities, profound innovations, and trends accelerating the new green economy.
 Don’t miss the exclusive chance to experience the thrill of the next step in the future of mobility is anything but just another electric car. American Apparel will soon be announcing the launch of “Open Factory,” a program that highlights their sustainable manufacturing practices - watch this super cool process of sewing t-shirts from "scratch" and take one home as a memento!  Partake in a mid-conference bike ride with Tern Bicycles test-rides or relax in the Bottlehood lounge and enjoy  their repurposed products made from bottles donated by local restaurants, bars, and events.
I filmed a bit of this amazing, fun and informative green event for One Day on Earth! 
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