Tuesday, December 15, 2015
It's Cold Season
To prevent from catching a cold
1. Wash your hands before eating
2. Use hand santizer if you need to
3. Drink lots of fluids
4. Get enough sleep
5. Keep from overdoing it
6. Take vitamin C and zinc
7. If you feel sick, take a day off work to rest
I got a cold on Sunday 11/30 but I still went to work the next day. I already scheduled for a 5-day vacation and didn't want to appear "lazy". I toughed it out for the week, thinking I could rest & get better on the weekend. My cough was mostly at night, but it woke me up at around 3 am each night. I took OTC medicine but it only worked for a few hours. Finally, I had to see a doctor on Monday 12/7. However, my doctor wasn't in office until Wednesday 12/9. She gave me a cough medicine with codeine and antibiotics if I needed them. Luckily, the medicine worked & I got the much needed sleep.
I learned a lesson the hard way. Hope you'll be smart and take a sick day if you need it.
Have a happy and healthy holidays.
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Holiday Giving
I didn't go for Black Friday sales at any retail stores. Instead, I decided to go biking from Venice to Santa Monica. It was a bit cold, but the sun was out. I got some fresh air and exercise. I gave myself a day off because I already bought most of my gifts and planned to shop online for the rest.
On Saturday, I took a rock climbing, belaying class at Rockreation. I learned to tie a double figure-8 and to belay. I also climbed for a bit and it was harder than it looked. I had fun and got a workout.
On Sunday, I did an hour of yoga. It was just what I needed.
Yesterday, I got my mom a nice cardigan online.
If you're stuck on what to get your friends & loved ones, think of a charity that they support and donate in their name. Here are a few of my favorite non-profits:
No Kid Hungry
Sierra Club
Have a wonderful Christmas and please share this if you believe in the true spirit of the holidays. "Giving is better than receiving."
Friday, November 20, 2015
Keep Motivated
If you are like me, it's hard to keep motivated when the holidays come. There is so much to do, a lot of food and the weather makes me want to cuddle up with a good book. I have been staying motivated by working out during lunch. I do yoga twice a week, Zumba once a week and a workout DVD the other days at work. I can't imagine having time to work out for an hour if I don't just take my lunch break to exercise. I dedicate that time for my health and wellness. It gives me more energy and keeps me fit. I sure don't want to gain weight during the holidays. I'll be taking a week off to play tourist with my sister and my niece who will be visiting from Singapore. I haven't seen them for so long and we plan to do active things like ice skating, indoor rock climbing and spending days at amusement parks.
How do you keep motivated? Please post your replies in the comment section.
Thursday, November 5, 2015
Cancer Awareness
How time flies, October is over but it's always good to be reminded that we need to prevent breast cancer. Here's an infographic from Bankers Healthcare Group
Friday, October 30, 2015
Yoga Heals Vet
(This poem is inspired by a true story)
I was a disabled Vet
Doctors told me I'd never walk normally again
Chronic back and knee pain
Made me unable to work out like I used to
For fifteen years, I suffered in this living hell
I ate too much and gained a lot of weight
Then I discovered yoga
Many teachers turned me away
But one believed in me even though he did not
Know me - I fell many times
I just got back up and tried again
By persistance and perseverance, I gained back
My mobility and lost a hundred forty pounds
Best of all, I can now walk as well as run!
Watch the video at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qX9FSZJu448
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Good Trick or Treat
Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF began in 1950 as a way to help kids who need. Since then, children all over America have gone door-to-door on Halloween with UNICEF collection boxes. They have raised more than $175 million to date. Now, you can Trick or Treat online at https://www.crowdrise.com/trickortreatforunicef
Check out resources and ways to introduce UNICEF to your school, work, friends and family at http://www.unicefusa.org/trick-or-treat/resources
Enjoy the Peanuts Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jQA5LbyZck&feature=youtu.be
Download & print your own box label at http://www.unicefusa.org/sites/default/files/TOT15%20CanisterWrapper.pdf
Friday, October 23, 2015
More Special Olympics & Sports
Special Olympics World Games was more than two months ago.
Continue your support
Become a Coach
A Special Olympics coach serves an integral role in transforming lives through sports training and competition. For more information, contact Erica Pueblos at epueblos@sosc.org.
Refer a Potential Athlete
Do you know someone who would like to become a Special Olympics athlete? It's easy to get them started on their journey to meet new friends and experience great rewards in achieving the best that they can! Visit our website to find out how!
Go to an upcoming competition and celebrate with athletes at
Fall School Games
October 23
at Rancho Dominguez Prep
October 28
at South East High School
Los Angeles & San Gabriel Valley
Regional Fall Games
November 7-8 in South Gate and Lakewood
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Free Don’t Lose Sleep Over Stress Webinar
October 21
12:00 pm – 12:45 pm PST.
Many adults who have sleep problems due to stress and anxiety say that their sleep problems contribute to an increase of stress or anxiety in their daily lives. Sleepless nights can affect your ability to concentrate and stay focused the next day. Health Net is offering a telephone/webinar (using a toll free number) that will identify how stress can affect your body and sleep patterns. The monthly webinar is offered to all Health Net members as well as non-Health Net insured individuals.
During the presentation you will also explore ways to overcome stress, learn relaxation techniques, and tips for a better nights sleep. We will also be offering you the opportunity to enroll in Health Net’s November 20-day Healthy Challenge Series – My Life in Balance, where participants who complete the challenge will be entered into a complimentary raffle drawing for a $25 gift card. Details will be shared the end of the webinar.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Walk to School Day
It's Walk to School Day on 10/7
School Day is a global event that involves communities from more than 40 countries walking and biking to school on the same day. It began in 1997 as a one-day event. Over time, this event has become part of a movement for year-round safe routes to school and a celebration – with record breaking participation – each October. Today, thousands of schools across America participate.
Avoid traffic, bike or walk if you live close to your school. I wish I live near my work so I can walk there.
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Women's Health Expo
Friday 10/2
Pasadena Civic Center
This free event brings together thousands of women, families, community-based health organizations, medical professionals, and beauty and wellness experts for a day of education.
Check out the vendors, health screenings, special speakers, a fashion show and workshops conducted by doctors and health experts in areas related to the health of women and men.
I am interested in 9;30 am workshop by
Jayme Hirashiki: The Most Important But Forgotten Health and Beauty Secrets For Women
Explore the steps to Turn Back the Aging Clock and the truth about improving your health, fasting, feasting and losing unwanted inches. Free natural energy powder designed for women will be given to workshop attendees.
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Free Exercise Classes
San Fernando Valley Recreation Park
208 Park Ave. San Fernando, CA 91340 -
Adult Program:
Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 8:15 - 9:15am.
Senior Program (low impact):
Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday: 8:15 - 9:15am.
California State University, Los Angeles -
Obregon Park
4021 E. First Street Los angeles, Ca 90063
Monday and Wednesday - 6:00 pm-7:00 pm
Friday - 9 am -10 am
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Healthy Communities within REACH
Register for the Healthy Communities within REACH: Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health Demo Briefing. This event will highlight replicable and scalable policy, systems, and environmental change strategies to reduce obesity and hypertension and decrease health disparities in underserved communities. Attendees will also have the opportunity to network with approximately 150 health advocates from multiple disciplines and community sectors across Los Angeles County such as community-based organizations, public health administrators, academics, city planners, elected representatives, funders and stakeholders representing South Los Angeles and other disadvantaged communities.
Keynote Speaker: Rishi Manchanda, M.D., MPH, Chief Medical Officer of The Wonderful Company and President of HealthBegins
WHEN:Friday, September 25, 2015 (8:30 am – 1:00 pm). Registration and continental breakfast will start at 8:30 am. Lunch will also be served.
WHERE:Radisson Hotel Los Angeles Midtown at USC
3540 S. Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA 90007
3540 S. Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA 90007
Parking is free for all attendees.
SPACE IS LIMITED: Register for this free event at http://reachdemo.eventbrite.com
SPACE IS LIMITED: Register for this free event at http://reachdemo.eventbrite.
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
I Love Go Greek Yogurt
My own version of yogurt breakfast
I was in Beverly Hills on Monday and found the best frozen yogurt in L.A. I had the honey flavored yogurt and fell in love. I can't wait until Go Greek Yogurt open a store in West L.A, maybe on Sawtelle (food street).
I love that they believe in a healthy lifestyle
Eat Smaller Meals - Over eating breaks down the system requiring your internal machine to work much harder causing many of the ailments Americans endure. LESS is MORE!
Drink water: Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Most cravings and feelings of hunger are actually dehydration.
Breathe deeply: A proper breath should start from the depth of your stomach, not your chest. (I practice deep breathing in yoga).
Move around: Any movement you can make during the day is beneficial to your well being. (I walk every day and do 15-20 min of yoga in the morning).
* Focus on the positive and be grateful for everything you have and ENJOY life!
Ingrid Cheng
Friday, September 11, 2015
New Workouts
I tried YogaFit Strength with free weights in a heated room. We also did lots of squats. My thighs were sore 1-2 days after.
"YogaFit is a leader in Conscious Business and supports a variety of nonprofits and community service initiatives. YogaFit (“Yoga for the Fitness Industry”™) was developed in 1994 by Beth Shaw. She created her own style that combined fitness moves such as push-ups, sit-ups and squats with traditional yoga postures linked together in a flowing format."
I also tried Orangetheory, the workout is based on heart rate. I started at the rowing machine, interspersed with core and squats (holding a medicine ball) then went on to do weights 8-10 lbs (biceps, triceps, etc). I finished with the treadmill, starting out at a walk, then upping the speed and incline. I did not push myself because I was still sore from my YogaFit workout.
"Backed by the science of post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), its heart-rate monitored training is designed to keep heart rates in a target zone that stimulates metabolism and increases energy. The result is the Orange Effect – more energy, visible toning and extra calorie burn for up to 36 hours after your workout!"
I did not notice having more energy after my workout.
Ingrid Cheng
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Wellbeing Fest & More
Saturday, September 12, 2015
11:00 am – 4:00pm
Santa Monica Civic Center Surface Lot
1855 Main Street, Santa Monica
1855 Main Street, Santa Monica
Local businesses and non-profits gather at the Festival to provide expertise, advice, and product samples promoting a healthy and happy lifestyle for the entire community. Stores and restaurants from every neighborhood will have food and vendor booths. There will be music, cooking demos and interactive classes on stages and lots of opportunities to get free resources and screenings.
Free Yoga
Yogaraj will be serving refreshments and giving away prizes from lululemon, Manduka, yogitoes, yogacoasters, live sankalpa, heidi the artist and more after each 1-hour class! Come meet our teachers and share in our community. Bring friends! All are welcome!
7am - Warrior Juan Spinola & Joanna Bateman
9am - Jay Co & Christine West
11am - Jerome Mercier & Phyllis Marie
1pm - Liz Arch & Hiro Landazuri
3pm - Andrea Jensen & Emily Whitaker
5pm - Jon Rea & Leah Russell (AcroYoga)
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Back to School Fitness
SHAPE America – Society of Health and Physical Educators has just announced the launch of a new Back to School website with numerous resources for K-12 health and physical education teachers.
It's time to add the Presidential Youth Fitness Program (PYFP) to your lesson plans for the year! PYFP is the new health-based fitness assessment program powered by SHAPE America, FitnessGram, and the President’s Challenge that has replaced the traditional President’s Challenge
Youth Fitness Test. It offers age appropriate, relevant standards for your students in categories such as:
PYFP Fitness Club is just the program to get younger K-3 students excited about being active! The Fitness Club program is a modified version of PYFP that is focused on helping younger students learn how to perform the tests correctly and have fun while doing it! Your students will learn the benefits of an
active lifestyle while learning how to do tests, such as:
http://www.shapeamerica.org/ |
Athletes for Active Schools Twitter Chat – Tue, Sep 15th |
Join the President’s Council (@FitnessGov), Athletes for Hope (@Ath4Hope), and other Let’s Move! Active Schools partners to increase awareness of physical activity and physical education in schools! |
It's time to add the Presidential Youth Fitness Program (PYFP) to your lesson plans for the year! PYFP is the new health-based fitness assessment program powered by SHAPE America, FitnessGram, and the President’s Challenge that has replaced the traditional President’s Challenge

- Aerobic Capacity
- Body Composition
- Abdominal Strength and Endurance
- Trunk Extensor Strength and Flexibility
- Upper Body Strength and Flexibility
- Flexibility
PYFP Fitness Club is just the program to get younger K-3 students excited about being active! The Fitness Club program is a modified version of PYFP that is focused on helping younger students learn how to perform the tests correctly and have fun while doing it! Your students will learn the benefits of an

- Powerful PACER
- Balanced Body Composition
- Terrific Trunk Lift
- Perfect Push-up
- Stretchy Sit and Reach
Monday, August 31, 2015
September is National Yoga Month
This is designed to educate about the health benefits of yoga and to inspire a healthy lifestyle.
Get the Yoga Month Card for ONE WEEK FREE YOGA at a local yoga studio - For New Students Only!
Global Mala Yoga for Peace - Worldwide Events Sept. 21-22, 2013
Global Mala Yoga for Peace is a series of event focused around 108 sun salutations and uniting the yoga community in support of International Peace Day. Global Mala celebrations will be held in many cities around the world. Organize your own Global Mala Yoga For Peace. Proceeds will benefit a local charity of your choice. Search for events using the yoga events search.
A Time for Yoga Celebrations Worldwide Sept. 30, 2013
Yoga Month invites all yoga studios, teachers and students to unite on September 30 for a worldwide yoga practice. Be a part of the first annual Time for Yoga Global Community Practice by organizing a yoga practice in your own community. At 7 p.m. local time on September 30, yoga students of all experience levels are encouraged to practice yoga as an international observance and the culmination of Yoga Month. A one-hour yoga practice will be followed by savasana beginning at 8 p.m., and a 15 minute meditation for universal peace and well-being at 8:15 p.m- See more at: http://www.yogahealthfoundation.org/yoga_search/featured_events#sthash.KskcAzI2.dpuf
Friday, August 28, 2015
Free Yoga
Sat 8/29
8:00 A.M. Goorus’ official Grand Opening - classes on 8/29 are free and open to the community. 15327 Sunset Blvd., Pacific Palisades.
Grand Opening Celebration & Open House
REI Outdoor School is offering free yoga classes with their professional yoga instructors. Yoga helps you develop strength, balance, flexibility and concentration to improve your outdoor pursuits. (recurring)
All experience levels welcome, please bring your own yoga mat.
The Frog Spot, Los Angeles River Trail
REI Outdoor School | Class Info
Sun 8/30
8:45 am Lululemon Brentwood
Get there 10 min early to save a space, it gets crowded. (recurring)
11920 San Vicente Boulevard, 90049
Health ambassador
8:00 A.M. Goorus’ official Grand Opening - classes on 8/29 are free and open to the community. 15327 Sunset Blvd., Pacific Palisades.
Grand Opening Celebration & Open House
9 am | Yoga for the Outdoor Enthusiast by REI

All experience levels welcome, please bring your own yoga mat.
The Frog Spot, Los Angeles River Trail
REI Outdoor School | Class Info
Sun 8/30
8:45 am Lululemon Brentwood
Get there 10 min early to save a space, it gets crowded. (recurring)
11920 San Vicente Boulevard, 90049
Health ambassador
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Funding for Sports
Let's Move#
Dick's Sporting Goods announced their new crowdfunding effort in partnership with DonorsChoose.org and are accepting proposals. While all youth sports teams are welcome to apply, this project is focused on school-based youth programming.
Read more here.
Interested in more grant opportunities? Visit Up2Us Sports' Grants Opportunities page
Friday, August 21, 2015
Childhood Obesity Awareness Month 5K Run/Walk
Obesity 5K Run/Walk
Sat 9/12 at 3790 Wilshire Blvd
Join Let’s Move West L.A. Support First
Lady Michelle Obama's "Let's Move" campaign to fight against
childhood obesity. Enjoy the scenery as you walk down Wilshire Blvd, closed off
just for this event from Western to Park View St., and take part in the first
nationwide public-health effort aimed at tackling the challenge of childhood
obesity. Conquer the car-free streets of LA and donate to charity! $14/ person.
Each registered runner will receive the 2015 Participant Kit complete with a
custom race t-shirt, gold finisher's medal, race bib number w/timing chip!
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Billion Mile Race
Billion Mile Race is a new initiative that’s bringing together school-based walking and running programs across the US and challenging them to collectively walk, jog, and run one billion miles.
The New Balance Foundation Billion Mile Race is run out of the nationwide ChildObesity180 initiative, and is challenging America’s schools to collectively walk and run one billion miles. The initiative aims to celebrate and connect schools where kids are walking and running and to accelerate development of new walking/running programs at schools that don’t already have them. Any type of walking/running program before, during, or after school qualifies (e.g., walking school buses, running clubs, walking clubs, fun runs, etc.).
Registration takes five minutes and is completely free. Register by August 21st to put 2014/15 miles on the board and jump out to an early lead!
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Kids Eat Right Month
August is Kids Eat Right Month
"Shop Smart, Cook Healthy, Eat Right"
As we approach the beginning of the school year, it is an excellent time to reinforce the importance of nutrition and physical activity for children of all ages. This campaign seeks to educate families, communities and policymakers about the importance of nutrition in promoting health.
Neighborhood and faith-based organizations are well-positioned to initiate and coordinate activities that encourage healthy living and well-being. Trusted leaders in communities and congregations can empower families and communities to make better choices to improve the health of our children. If you want to make a difference in your community, encourage your community leaders and groups to take action:
- Invite a registered dietitian nutritionist to host nutrition education classes for your group or faith community.
- Share Kids Eat Right Month™ handout with your organization and the community.
- Announce Kids Eat Right Month™ in your newsletter or website.
- Help ensure that kids in your community have access to nutritious meals when school is out by hosting a Summer Food Service Program, providing free meals to help low-income kids get the food they need to grow into healthy adults.
- Host a weekly exercise activity for your community or congregation.
- Follow Kids Eat Right on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest and Google+.
Ingrid Cheng
Health Blogger
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Walk This Way
I love to walk and do it at least 3 times a day with my dog, Sparky. We walk for 15-30 minutes each time. Sometimes, we'd walk to the supermarket or the library. I am lucky that almost everything is within walking distance of my home. If only I could walk to work.
I make it fun by skipping, switching my pace, going sideways like a crab and even backward carefully. Sometimes, I'd see a hummingbird or a squirrel. I always stop to enjoy communing with these creatures. I plan to do a 5-K walk for charity.
Walking is a good way to exercise. Make time each day to walk. It helps me keep fit and energizes me.
Monday, August 10, 2015
Go Hiking
From americanhiking.org
On August 25 to celebrate The National Park Service 99 year-Birthday, all of the country's national parks are waiving their entrance fees and inviting everyone to join in the festivities taking place coast-to-coast.
On August 25, 1916, President Woodrow Wilson created the National Park Service to formally protect and preserve these lands so people all over the world could experience America's historic beauty and heritage for years to come.
Stanford researches share, "A new study finds quantifiable evidence that walking in nature could lead to a lower risk of depression." Research even shows that simply looking at photos of nature has a rejuvenating effect on the brain and that kids who are exposed to more greenery during the school day perform better on exams. Nature Rx, created by a team of filmmakers, is a short series of one-minute long videos that "encourage folks to spend time outdoors by spoofing prescription drug commercials." http://www.nature-rx.org/
Ingrid Cheng
Friday, August 7, 2015
B2B Power Sessions @ Green Festival
In addition to the knowledge that will be shared, there’s also going to be a lot of great networking at the L.A Convention Center.
Green Festival Exhibitors – FREEGreen Festival Attendees – $150 for all six classes or $50 a la cart
Registration Required.
Sat 9/26
8:30 am How to be a Green Business Leader
8:50 am How to Build Your Customer Base with Great Marketing
9:10 am How to Get More Leads, Customers and Profits Online
Ingrid Cheng
8:50 am Learn the Vital Ingredients to Grow Your Green Business
9:10 am How to Get More Leads, Customers and Profits Online
Sun 9/27
8:30 am Insane Loyalty: How to Get People Fanatically Addicted to Your Business
8:50 am How to Build Your Customer Base with Great Marketing
9:10 am How to Get More Leads, Customers and Profits Online
Ingrid Cheng
Thursday, August 6, 2015
Centers for Health & Wellness
Wellness Center at the Old General Hospital
1200 N. State St., Ste 1069
Los Angeles, CA 90033
1200 N. State St., Ste 1069
Los Angeles, CA 90033
Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m
Saturday, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Saturday, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Health Education Classes
- Senior Health Education
- Meal Planning
- Senior Health Education
- Meal Planning
Fitness Classes
- Zumba
- Yoga :
Learn basic yoga poses to combine breathing and awareness to build strength and flexibility, increase energy and relieve tension and stress all while moving at your own pace. - Zumba
- Yoga :
Yoga is for ages 5 and up. Open to first 30 people.
Tuesdays: 1 p.m. - 2 p.m.
Thursdays: 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. - 6 p.m.
- Aerobics and Tai Chi for Seniors
Kids / Youth Classes
- Kids Cooking
- Dance Fitness for Kids
- Youth Leadership Workshop
- Kids Cooking
- Dance Fitness for Kids
- Youth Leadership Workshop
There's a center at
Corner of Crenshaw and Century - INGLEWOOD
3111 W. Century Blvd
Inglewood, CA 90303
3111 W. Century Blvd
Inglewood, CA 90303
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Alternative Workouts in L.A.
I am inspired by the Alternative Workouts in L.A. http://www.discoverlosangeles.com/blog
I have signed up to be updated about Daybreaker, a crack-of-dawn, sweaty, feel-good dance party open to one and all. The gatherings take place twice a month at various venues in L.A.
I have bought a Groupon for Rockreation Fight Gravity One class. I've climbed a rock wall before, but never taken a class.
I also tried Hula hooping led by Kellee McQuinn at a fitness event in Century City. http://www.kidtribe.com
I am taking classes at Pop Physique, I had my first combo pilates, barre & free weights class last Saturday and it made me sore a day later. http://www.popphysique.com/
I also go to free yoga classes at work and near my home 2-3 days a week. I believe that to keep myself motivated, I need to mix it up and have fun.
Ingrid Cheng
Thursday, July 30, 2015
September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month
The newly appointed Rev Wilborn generously offered church resources to help publicize Let's Move West L.A National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month program scheduled to follow morning worship, on Sunday Sept. 20th.
The details are:
Sunday Sept. 20th 11:30am - 1pm
Culver Palms United Methodist Church
4464 Sepulveda Bl, Culver City 90232
Contact Henry Hall if you want to participate with an 'active or hands-on display or presentation' that promotes fitness - nutrition - wellness. We want to present informative resources that are for all ages. Join for free to be on the list.
Ingrid Cheng
Monday, July 27, 2015
Special Olympics - Tennis at UCLA
On Saturday morning, Let's Move West L.A. was part of Fans in the Stands at Special Olympics http://www.la2015.org
We cheered on the Brasil and Germany teams as they played. More of our members showed up later.
It was a hot, sunny day. We brought drinks and snacks. I wore my SPF sun hat and lots of sunscreen.
We all wore Let's Move West L.A T-shirts.
We will be at the Tennis games this Sat 8/1. Each match will be 1 set of 4 games with match tie breakers if necessary. Join us for the exciting and inspring games!
Thanks to our sponsors: MOA Wellness, Connections For Children and Westside Family YMCA.
Thanks also to RawFiv5, our healthy snacks sponsor. 5 raw ingredients - tasty and satisfying. http://rawfiv5.com
Friday, July 24, 2015
PL Yoga - Strength, Endurance, Balance, Flexibility
August 8, 2015 from 10am to 5pm Location: COAST FITNESS
Say Ingrid referred you.
CicLAvia Culver City Meets Venice
I'm excited about the CicLAvia event on August 9
"Culver City and Venice will be the coolest spots of the summer when CicLAvia returns to the Westside for the first time since 2013."
If we want to reduce gas consumption and traffic, be active and partcipate in this event to promote alternative transportation, then we need to act.
I just spent over an hour in traffic on the 10 Freeway going West after 6 pm and I don't want to do that again. I'm sure many people like me are sick and tired of the traffic (wasting time stuck in a giant parking lot). I dream of being able to bike or walk to work one day.
Until then, see you at CicLAvia!
LA2015 Special Olympics World Games -
I'll be at the games this weekend. Will you?
With 7,000 athletes and 3,000 coaches representing 177 countries, along with 30,000 volunteers and an anticipated 500,000 spectators, the 2015 Special Olympics World Games – being staged in Los Angeles July 25-August 2, 2015 – will be the largest sports and humanitarian event anywhere in the world in 2015
Special Olympics
I am part of Let's
Move West L.A.
We follow Ms. Obama's Let's Move http://www.letsmove.gov to promote health & fitness of our community. We are excited to be part of this great once-in-a lifetime event.
us. Let's be Fans in the Stands
for the Special Olympics http://www.la2015.org
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