Monday, September 25, 2017

Fall Into Health

Health Circle

How time flies. Summer has ended and Fall is here. What have you done to reach your health goals? The holidays are coming and it's time to prepare for Thanksgiving (a day of gluttony for most people). Did you know that many women gain five to ten pounds during the winter holidays? Are you ready for all the food and temptation? Just five spots left. RSVP

 You will learn how to be mindful in your daily life after taking 3 classes and 3 weeks of group coaching. If you have children, Halloween is a time to be extra aware since many kids get too much candies and chocolates. This Halloween, re-think your treats and spread the word about the addictive harmful effects of too much sugar. A medical study showed that "sugar is 8X more addictive than cocaine (added to most of our packaged foods), yet it's legal." Give out stickers and sugarless treats. Ask your friends, family and neighbors to give non-food treats.

I used to be a junk food and sugar addict. Yoga and coaching helped me recover from a lifetime of bad habits. I am passionate about health and fitness. That's why I am writing The Anti-Aging Secrets of Yoga

I love Dr. Oz! Here are his 8 health tips:
1. Get enough sleep (7-8 hours). Practice yoga and meditation.

2. Happiness or a positive outlook 

3. Exercise (mind-body wellness)!

4. "As we age, the ability of our cells to renew decreases (that affects our energy & appearance). The best thing you can do is to eat a well-balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and (protein)," Dr. Oz said in an article by

5. He also talked about the healing power of food.

6. Seniors are on multiple medications (with many unwanted side-effects). "Depending on (the disease) you may be able to get of or lower the dose of medicines if you make lifestyle changes like eating healthier, exercising and losing weight."

7. "Loneliness is bad for mental health & may affect your heart health. That's why I encourage seniors to engage in community activities when they can.

8. Immunity. What can be a bout of flu for a younger person can turn into pneumonia for a senior." Dr. Oz said.

My Full Moon and Healthy Inside-Out workshop is on October 6th. RSVP at

My mission is the empower women to be healthy inside-out and my vision is to create a Co-Op  Community Food Garden/ Healing Space where members/ owners share in the rewards of a healthy lifestyle. I believe in the power of Good Food that is healthy, fair, affordable and sustainable. I have a 3-week deep health coaching program that gets to the root cause of any issue and focuses on emotional healing. I use 3 simple, powerful steps to help clients let go of what doesn't serve them so they can be free to manifest their dreams. Contact me for a free consultation.

Ingrid Cheng

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