Achieve Your Dreams |
"It's a fact! Entrepreneurs who write their goals and strategies for achieving them in their business plans get better results than those who don't!" said Dave Lavinsky, President and co-founder of Growthink, a leading consulting firm and investment bank to emerging companies. After graduating from UCLA's Anderson School of Management, Dave has become an internationally renowned expert in fields of business planning, capital raising, and new venture development. He has helped clients across a multitude of industries by specifically developing business plans to present to investors. For example, Dave developed Integreon's (a business process outsourcing company) business plan to raise over $50 million, expanding from 4 to 2,000 employees.
Every entrepreneur has good and bad days. On days that are tough, Dave says, "I'm always inspired by and focused on my written business plan that documents my goals. While there will be many bumps in the road, I've found that if I set and keep focused on these goals, I will eventually achieve them."
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg just issued a statement on the Facebook Blog confirming that his company has settled with the FTC over charges that it has violated user privacy over the years. Facebook is now “required to obtain consumers’ affirmative express consent before enacting changes that override their privacy preferences”, effectively making opt in all future privacy control changes to the audience of previously shared data or content. Facebook must also submit to privacy audits every 2 years for the next 20 years, bar access to content on deactivated accounts, and avoid misrepresenting the privacy or security of user data. (That's why a lot of people don't want to be on Facebook).

Author of Dream: Creating a Better World
"Learn, Earn and Return - Membership of a lifetime." Hope to see you at CEO Space Forum.
Jack Canfield: Author Chicken Soup for the Soul: “I guarantee your satisfaction with CEO Space, something I have never done with any other program…just DO IT. Your low tuition comes back so fast you’ll wonder why you hadn’t heard about IBI years ago.”
Jack Canfield: Author Chicken Soup for the Soul: “I guarantee your satisfaction with CEO Space, something I have never done with any other program…just DO IT. Your low tuition comes back so fast you’ll wonder why you hadn’t heard about IBI years ago.”
I want to share my secret health remedy that helps reduce stress and anxiety, so I can feel calmer, more relaxed throughout my day. Go to, http://www.
Hello, just wondering, I know it's been a while but do you happen to remember anything about the Vincent Zhao art that you purchased? I have a Chinese seal with the name Vincent on it and not sure if it's the same guy. Do you recall what else he sold or a business card or address? Thanks!