Friday, December 1, 2017

5 Steps to Own It!


Here's my review of "Own It":

#1 mistake that women make is waiting until the right time or procrastinating.
By 2030, we will hold 2/3 of U.S. wealth and we donate almost twice our % of wealth to charities as men do. 

1. Be masters of reinvention
2. Take a class in something you know nothing about
3. Learn a new app or technology. Spend time with creative/ innovative people
4. Learn to manage your finances
5. Take a career break if you need to

I quit my dead-end job in June and started my own business. Now, I help women who struggle with food cravings/ sugar addiction and am a Thrive Life consultant.

The Gender Investing Gap: Women retire with 2/3 the money that men have and live 5+ years longer. We see investing as a way to meet our life goals, not as a way to beat the market. Money is the #1 source of stress for most of us so we avoid dealing with it.

Money = Power but women keep 68% of our $ in cash as a default because we want to be secure but it is a false security that can cost us $10s to $100s of thousands in our lifetime. 

I love "Shift for Good"!

1. How Fed Up Are You Really? Are you finally sick of the way things are now?

2. What are you willing to give up. Change is hard and you must be willing to make sacrifices (take action).

3. What's your plan? (Know your Why?)

4. What's your daily accountability?

5. How will you develop patience and celebrate your wins?

Six parts that make a whole:

1. Love and relationships: Every one wants to love and be loved. (First of all, love yourself)

2. Healthy mind and body: Treat your body with love and respect. Create a clam mind that focuses on the present moment

3. Satisfying work and wealth: Work that matters to you and the people you serve

4. Impact through giving: Lending your time and talent to those in need

5. Calm environment: You have full control over your own mind, your response, your space

6. Curiosity in action: The antidote to boredom (stagnation). Wake up curious every day. Be inspired. Learn and grow.

I hope these tips help you be a Brave, Authentic, Daring, Amazing, Self-Confident Superwoman!

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