Saturday, December 9, 2017

5 Gifts of Love

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Based on"The Five Languages of Love" by Gary Chapman:

1. Acts of service
2. Gifts/ presents
3. Physical touch
4. Quality time
5. Words of affirmation

This holiday season, give other gifts like your time. It's more meaningful and create a deeper bond with your loved ones. I look forward to spending quality time with my sisters and family.

I was at a Free Grants Workshop by La Quetta Shamblee (

She walked us through the 5-Step Process that uses 10 Building Blocks to Write More Grants in Less Time! It was a successful event with a big turnout and I made a good connection with someone who wants to create an intentional community.

The 5 Steps are:
1. Program design - What do you need the grant for?
2. Grant research - How to find the money?
3. Write grant proposals and budget
4. Package and submit
5. File and track grant (Know when to follow-up)

The 10 Building Blocks are:
1. Mission statement.
2. History. Describe program/ organization that's seeking the grant. When and why it's established.
3. Describe programs and services you offer.
4. Needs assessment. Why is it needed? Third-party validated information/ statistics)
5. Goals & objectives. What do you plan to achieve? How? (Measureable, specific results)
6. Target population (demographics)
7. Evaluation: Describe how progress, success & effectiveness will be measured
8. Timeline/ workplan: Schedule for implementing the parts of the program.
9. Future sustainability: How will you fund program after grant ends?
10. Program/ project budget: What's the estimated budget for 12 months? Aim for at least $350,000

Other tips:
Is your program/ organization eligible? What's the deadline? Do you file online or on paper?
What information do you need to include in it?
Add 10% as administrative overhead to total operating costs.
Add 25% to total wages

Ingrid Cheng
Author, blogger, health coach

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