Sunday, April 22, 2018

Earth Day and Book Fest

Healthy Aging Talk was sold out! Here are some tips from the experts at USC:

1. Have an open mind, learn new things
2. Eat more veggies and within 12 hours of the day
3. Make exercise a part of your daily routine
4. Creativity and arts are good for health
5. Gratitude and spirituality = keys to wellness
6. Maintain a healthy weight
7. Playing music or learning a new language is anti-aging
8. Too much protein before age 65 is linked to higher risk of cancer, but people 65+ need more protein

They also mentioned "The Blue Zones"

Check out The Longevity Diet on Amazon

Pre-register for the Hay House World Summit, the largest health and wellness summit online here

I love Nina Nam and her book, Transformation Champ! It's about faith and focus.

I took Metro Expo line to USC and saved on parking ($12). Did you know that all rides are free today? #earthday

Join the free Food Revolution. Get the latest insights from 25 experts! Register here

I walked 1.6 miles to the Farmers Market and picked up trash along the way. It was a last-minute Earth Day event. Did you know that we produce 230 million tons of trash and waste 150,000 tons of food per day? In honor of Earth Day, here are some tips to reduce waste:

1. Buy less or nothing that isn't essential
2. Cook at home and use local, seasonal produce
3. Check your spending habits. Do you clutter your closet and home with stuff?

Check out

Ingrid Cheng

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