Tuesday, November 3, 2020

A-Z Guide to Self-Care

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A - An apple a day (eat it with skin on, organic is best). Click to see benefits.

B - Bananas are rich in potassium, tryptophan an high in fiber.

C - Curcumin can improve immunity, joint mobility and reduce inflammation. 

D - D vitamin, we get vitamin D from food and sunlight. Some people have a higher risk of not getting enough vitamin D, especially those with dark skin and adults over 65Try it risk free!

E - Eat mindfully. I blogged about Mindful Eating. Bonus: Eat local and seasonal

F - Feed your soul with inspiring books. I'm reading "Work with Passion" by Nancy Anderson.

G - Guava leaf extract. It is a natural and healthy sleep support, good for anxiety relief? It can calm your nerves, quiet your mind, and promotes deep and restful bedtime slumber.  It also supports hair growth.

H- Hope more, fear less

I- Imagine a better day

J- Joke around or read jokes

K - K vitamin is good for bone health. Vitamin K deficiency can contribute to poor bone development, osteoporosis, and increased cardiovascular disease

L - Live in the present, it is a gift that God gives us

M- Manage stress. Yoga helps me be less stressed and more relaxed.

N - No blaming or complaining. Try it for one day.

O - Open your heart and mind. We are all spiritual beings having a human experience.

P - Pray

Q -Quiet time, no devices, media or social media. 

R- Rest, let go of the constant need to achieve.

S - Sleep. Have trouble sleeping? Calm by Wellness CBD Sleep Oil can help.  

T - Tea time. Try Art of Tea Matcha

U - UV rays, get some sun.

V- Visualize what you desire most in detail. Use your five senses.

W- Watch what you consume. (Hear more poetry, eat more healthy, see more beauty).

X- X or cross out time to exercise

Y - Yoga changed my life. Find out how it can change yours

Z - Zumba. I love dancing with my mom and my niece.  

P.S. Join the Societygal and #StrongerTogether Virtual Self-Care Summit this Saturday.

Get HGH anti-aging supplements. I also love Hamama micro-greens grow kit (they are tasty superfoods)! Find out more at Hamama.


1 comment:

  1. Green tea or Matcha benefits:
    Immunity support
    And more
