The awards made through this funding announcement must address National Women’s Health Week activities. NWHW is May 12-18, 2013. The nationwide initiative encourages women to make health a top priority and take simple steps for a longer, healthier, and happier life. During the week, families, communities, businesses, government, health organizations and other groups work together to educate women about steps they can take to improve their physical and mental health and prevent disease. Some activities that could be funded include: sponsoring activities that promote healthy behaviors such as engaging in physical activity most days of the week; making healthy food choices; visiting a healthcare provider to receive regular check-ups; preventive screenings; education around hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C Virus (HCV); education for immunizations such as influenza and hepatitis A and B; and avoiding unhealthy behaviors, like smoking and not wearing a seatbelt.
Proposed activities should take place between Sunday, May 12 and Saturday, May 18, 2013. However, proposed activities that would be conducted between May 1 and June 15, 2013 are acceptable. Examples of NWHW activities include: health workshops for women and girls, health walks, and health fairs. Resources are available on the NWHW website:
Deadline is October 25, 2012, at 5:00 p.m. Mountain Time
Please submit proposals in Microsoft Word or PDF format to:
JSI, ATTN: Jodie Albert, 1725 Blake Street, Suite 400, Denver, Colorado 80202
All funded events must be registered on
Health Advocate
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