Saturday, December 5, 2020

12 Days of Wellness

12 Days of Wellness

Tis the season to be jolly and I am glad to partner with these great companies for the 12 days of Wellness from 12/10 to 12/21 (the first day of winter). I believe that self-care is the best way to stay healthy during these challenging and stressful times. I myself have been dealing with anxiety and sleep issues. I find that yoga, meditation and Calm by Wellness Sleep help me relax. I hosted a Fill up with Wellness Zoom event where we sipped hot wellness drinks with a few drops of CBD and shared tips on how to deal with lockdown fatigue.

I will be interviewing wellness experts and sharing their tips with you for 12 days

Day 1 is recorded here

Day 2 is healthy hair care tips with me and I will share my secret recipe with you in Facebook.

Delicious Living has a great article about hair loss and shared these nutrition hacks:

1. Biotin (vitamin B7)

2. Vitamin C

3. Collagen & hyaluronic acid

4. Vitamin D

Day 3: Stress relief tips by Calm by Wellness

1. Hydration - Drink more water
2. Greens & fiber - Eat more veggies
3. Breathe through it -Take slow deep belly breaths & sigh it out
4. Move more - Go for a walk or get up from your desk every 30 minutes

Learn more about detox with @NykkiHardin and how it can help you heal.

Day 4: Play with dirt. Garden or repot a plant. Check out this article in the New Yorker: The Therapeutic Power of Gardening

Day 5: Yoga is self-care. I interviewed Adriana Lee and she shared these tips with me:

1. Have a regular yoga practice (even just 10-15 minutes)

2. Guided meditation

3. Breathwork/ pranayama

4.A cold shower for 30 seconds builds resilience

5. Be grateful, pause for 10 seconds before you eat or write down 3 things you're grateful for each morning.

Day 6: Drink a glass of wine. Did you know that red wine has many health benefits?

1. It helps you warm up

2. It is good for heart health

3. It causes your cheeks to flush and your face to relax, making you look good

4. It helps you sleep better

5. Just 1 glass can help you burn fat

6. It also has resveratrol that is known for its anti-aging effects

Here are a few tips to get you started:

1. Make a cup of tea and sip it slowly. Art of Tea gifts are perfect for the holidays!

2. Get a healthy Advent Calendar. Built Bar has a great one filled with something sweet and delicious (while still nutritious)

3. Join the Calm by Wellness 12 Days of Wellness Challenge

Ever since COVID started, I've wondered why our leaders want lockdowns which are causing more harm than

good (more die of suicides and overdoses than by COVID). Our system is broken so it's up to us to take care

of ourselves.



  1. Did you know that eating an avocado a day can help you lose weight?,circumference%2C%20cholesterol%20levels%2C%20gut%20microbiota%20and%20vascular%20health.


