Thursday, November 5, 2020

10 Simple Tips to Reduce Stress

Sign up to win a ticket to my Virtual Yoga Retreat

 1. Get out in nature, ground yourself

2. Engage in things that help you relax

3. Realize what is causing you stress and stop focusing on that

4. Taking space to breathe deeply 

5. Not feeling guilty for enjoying yourself

6. Celebrate the simple things in life

7. Set boundaries

8. Focus on what you can control, not what you can't. Otherwise it controls you.

9. Reframe things so you can move forward

10. Be kind to yourself and others (T.A.S.K):

Think kind thoughts

Act with kindness

Speak kind words

Kindness is a superpower

By focusing on the good, the universe answered me with amazing things. I met Gayle during my walk in Santa Monica and I was immediately drawn to her because of her positive energy. She was teaching an outdoor class and I so wanted to join but they were just finishing. I connected with her through Instagram and messaged her about my goal to spread goodness. She immediately responded and we scheduled time to talk about our passion and mission. Gayle is a spiritual fitness instructor and a Reiki practitioner. She says that during and after class, she channels a higher dimensional energy to help students ground back into their bodies. Gayle also tells them that we have so much to be grateful for. "Focus on what we have not what we don't have" she shares that "we are perfect, abundant beings" and I agree. We are spiritual beings trapped in a human experience. I told her about my struggle with poor body image and how being called "fat" when I was young left scars in me. Gayle says that "your body and your life is somebody else's dream body and life. No matter what happens, we are not going to give away our power. You are stronger than you know. She sees herself and her students as spiritual athletes. Gayle has created a platform to lift people up and I'm joining her at Let's take back our power to be a positive force for good!

Ingrid Cheng

Author of "The Anti-aging Secrets of Yoga" (Launching in 2021)
Empowering women to be healthy inside-out

Thanks to @ThisIsKaleigh @ChaseTucker @RealMovementMakers @ElevatewithGayle

P.S. Join Start Your Movement Virtual Live Experience (Build a big following) 

Join the Societygal and #StrongerTogether Virtual Self-Care Summit this Saturday.

11/13 is World Kindness Day

Get HGH anti-aging supplements. I also love Hamama micro-greens grow kit (they are tasty superfoods)! Find out more at Hamama.



1 comment:

  1. Tend to your mental garden. What you sow is what you’ll reap.
