Monday, July 16th at L.A. City Hall
L.A. Green Festival Host Committee Kick-Off
5:30 - 8:30 p.m.
The Tom Bradley Tower Room 27th Floor
Los Angeles City Hall, 200 N. Spring St.
L.A, CA 90012
(Free parking at City Hall with RSVP)
Refreshments & networking at 5:30, meeting starts at 6:15
This year's festival takes place November 17-18 at the L.A. Convention Center.
Host Committee members:
- Become part of the dynamic team that makes Green Festival happen.
- Enjoy great networking opportunities with others interested in green living, social justice and green business.
- Help shape the Green Festival to reflect your community’s priorities.
- Get free tickets for you and your community members.
Check out the videos of the 2011 Ford Community Grant winners (including L.A.’s HomeGirl Café!). This November 17-18, Ford is again giving away $5,000 at the Los Angeles Green Festival, so starting thinking about a sustainable, forward-thinking idea to improve the environment or quality of life in Los Angeles.
The Host Committee meets monthly until the Green Festival, November 17 & 18.
+ You do not have to attend all the meetings!
+ You can help us find best presenters and topics
+ Help get the word out in your community
+ Help us recruit volunteers, exhibitors and media
Green Festival Facts
+ A project of two nationally know nonprofit organizations, Green America and Global Exchange
+ In its 11th year nationally!
+ Average attendance has been approximately 25,000 per city. We expect over 25,000 in L.A!
+ Green Festivals are also in Chicago, New York, San Francisco, Seattle and DC. This is the largest sustainability event in the world.
+ More at www.greenfestivals.org
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